Air-Source International Mold Remediation & Removal

Air-Source specializes in Mold Remediation, Mold Removal, Mold Mildew, and other Mold Problems

Our team of highly trained Mold Technicians provide mold remediation and mold clean-up services at your home or business - All Staff are highly trained and are full time employees of Air-Source International in Miami, Florida.

Their Are Five Major Focuses In Mold Remediation & Removal

  • Project Development: It is critical to calculate the extent of the damage caused by mold. Putting together a sensible project plan for clean up and mold remediation in the first phase can greatly decrease microbial growth and spreading problems during the entire process.
  • Preparation: Removal of all objects including furniture from the infected area before setting up containment. If items are moved from one room to another they must be HEPA vacuumed, and cleansed with anti-microbial solution. Extreme situations may require that all items/furniture in the infected area be cleaned under negative air pressure before anything can be moved.
  • Containment: Sealing off the work area by covering floor and door openings with polyethylene sheeting prevents contaminants (toxic mold) from spreading to the rest of the building.
  • Structural Removal & Cleanup: Removing and sanding growth areas on building materials such as drywall, plywood, insulation, framing etc.. Removal of damaged materials is executed under negative air pressure through HEPA filtration. Bagging and disposal of waste. During this process Protective Solutions crew will use disposable coveralls and respirators with HEPA filters for protection against toxic mold.
  • Anti-Microbial Application: Applying mold anti-microbial solutions to exposed surfaces prevents the re-growth of toxic mold.  Then Sealing all open building materials with a mold Sealer, to stop any re-growth from occurring.  A remediation verification can be requested at this point to approve the accomplishment of the project.

Air-Source International specializes in Mold Testing, Mold Detection, Mold Elimination.

Air-Source has been eliminating health risk and sometimes deadly contaminant’s from within indoor environments. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and professional services you need in order to eliminate contaminates from you indoor environment, thus promoting the steps toward healthy living.

Our Mold Inspections and Mold Testing Include:

  • Visually inspect the property for signs of water intrusion and mold growth.
  • Take moisture readings in the walls, ceilings, and flooring etc to locate any sources of water damage or mold growth.
  • Take Air-O-Cell Samples in areas of concern. The samples are sent to an independent and accredited lab.  Which will give us a report analysis on the type of mold spores and at what level the mold has contaminated your indoor environment.
  • Swab or Bio-tape samples may also be taken.
  • Any digital or thermal imaging photos will be included.
  • The Final Inspection Report will contain all above information including: source of problem, recommendations for repairs to be made, and detailed recommendation for remediation.

Air-Source International Mold Sampling & Mold Detection

Have you ever wondered how much mold is growing in your South Florida home? Concerned that mold may be the cause of your allergy or health problems? Mold is extremely dangerous to your health. It grows in a variety of places, in a number of different ways. Mold Detection & Mold Sampling involves much more than simply looking for it and wiping it away; proper mold detection and mold sampling requires professional analysis and techniques. Our team at Air-Source International in Miami, Florida's are South Florida's Mold Experts. We find mold, test and sample it, understand the type and cause of the mold, and remove it from your home's surfaces and from the air, helping to keep your home safer and cleaner.

Air-Source Mold Detection "in the old days" involved simple visual inspection. While this is still part of any good mold expert's best practices, mold testing has matured into a highly complex science involving lab testing, instrumentation, and high-level analysis. Experts use mold detection sensors, which check for unusually high moisture levels in the walls, ceiling, and floors. Once the mold is discovered, mold sampling tools are used in order to take pieces of the mold for lab analysis. Mold sampling and Mold Detection needs to be done to determine type of mold, as well as the extent of the mold's permeation of your household environment.

Once the mold testing has been performed, mold remediation can begin. Powerful, yet safe chemical agents and drying mechanisms can be used to make sure that mold is not only killed, but is not given the opportunity to grow again. This is where mold sampling can be particularly useful, since determining the type, cause, and extent of a certain kind of mold is crucial to eliminating it.

Mold detection is crucial for protecting you home's air from mold spores. Even relatively mold-free structures may have dangerous levels of airborne mold due to high levels of humidity or other environmental factors. Proper mold sampling includes an air analysis taken from each room of the household.

The Steps Necessary to Ensure a Mold-Free Home or Business in South Florida, Florida

If you suspect that your Miami home or business is infected with mold, it is not enough to simply have someone clean the mold in hopes that it will solve the problem. Without the proper plan as addressed below, the mold problems you experience will never disappear. Air-Source mold prevention is obviously the ideal way to combat against mold before it ever gains a foothold in your home or business. However, if you live in the South Florida area and are experiencing mold problems, it is important to secure the services of a respected mold removal company. Professional mold removers will know the important steps to take to make sure that the mold is removed and does not become a recurring problem:

• Determine the extent of the mold damage, remove uninfected objects from the infected area, and seal off the work area while removal of the mold is being performed.

• Actual removal of toxic mold by sanding down all exposed areas and bagging up the mold while utilizing modern technology and disposable outerwear.

• Application of mold anti-microbial solutions on all newly-restored surfaces and applying a sealant to ensure mold control in the future.

Remember, prevention is the key, but once mold takes hold, there are ways to remove it and keep it under control.

The Need for Air-Source International Mold Cleaning

There are few property issues more damaging than mold. This pervasive, moisture-driven substance can infect any building, regardless of size, neighborhood, or age. Properties in South Florida can be especially susceptible to this malicious growth due to the tropical air and proximity to the water. Buildings that are contaminated may suffer cosmetic disrepair and could also pose a serious health risk to inhabitants. Property owners should be aware of the available measures that can deter the growth of mold. A Mold Clean company can provide mold inspections, checking for visual markers of growth while also taking moisture readings and swabbed samples for testing. Stopping mold before it starts is easier and less costly than cleaning up after an outbreak.

However, if a building in the South Florida area does have mold, there are companies that specialize in Mold Cleaning. A Mold Clean company will assess the situation, clear the contaminated area, remove tainted parts, and then provide an anti-microbial treatment to fend off re-growth.

In all, being aware of the Air-Source Mold Cleaning options is important. Whether for preventative measures or a thorough fix of an established problem, relying on Mold Clean companies can ease any property owner's mind.

South Florida Black Mold - Is it making you sick?

Stachybotrys chartarum, more commonly known as black mold, grows naturally in South Florida's indoor environments. The surface does not even have to be wet; high humidity will do. That's a problem in a city like Miami, Florida where the morning's relative humidity frequently tops 90% and won't drop below 60% on a typical summer afternoon. A mold-riddled environment like that in South Florida and Miami can put people and pets at risk. Common symptoms of toxic mold syndrome are runny nose, sinus headache, cough, and eye irritation. Many symptoms are similar to those for allergies, such as rashes and hives. Some individuals experience lethargy, nausea, dizziness, and poor concentration.

Professional testing and treatment is needed when a room smells moldy but you cannot see the source. Mold can sometimes be hidden in air-conditioning ducts. One Miami, Florida, family became aware of their mold only after their cat died of mold-caused breathing problems. Mold also hides under carpets, and even on the back side of wallpaper. When mold infests fabric and walls, often the only treatment is complete removal.

Black mold does not have to become a threat in Miami, but in our subtropical climate, it's an issue that requires vigilance.

Mold dangers caused by water damage

In Miami and all across Florida, mold is a huge issue for many homeowners. South Florida attic mold can come about at any point and it presents serious dangers for homeowners and their families. When an attic gets wet, mold can start to grow. Over time, the mold problem gets worse and can bring about health problems for residents if left unchecked. Luckily for individuals living in the Miami area, there are some excellent resources available for attic mold removal. The process of finding indoor mold requires a testing period and a serious home inspection. There are professionals who are trained and certified to carry out this job, and they do an excellent job of covering all of the bases for homeowners.

For homes that have seen recent water damage, South Florida attic mold is an especially real danger. Attics tend to be moist, damp, and cold, providing the perfect atmosphere for indoor mold to thrive. In the beginning, it is a small problem that can be fixed with relatively little trouble. As mold is allowed to grow and fester, the problem becomes pronounced.



Copyright © 2012 Air-Source International Corporation
Last modified: 01/12/12